About Us
Based on the idea of making golf more accessible and enjoyable, Pearly Gates creates innovative golf apparel that goes beyond traditional boundaries, highlighting the genuine beauty of the game. With Pearly Gates, you can experience the true essence of golf.

How Did It All Begin?
In the spring of 1989, the men’s division at San-A International, the proud purveyor of numerous men’s and women’s apparel brands, decided to take up golf. The only problem - they didn’t have the right clothes for it! Working with clothes themselves, they had an idea: Why not just make it ourselves?
From that moment, Pearly Gates was born. In the years since then, we have been on a journey, crafting new and innovative golf wear that breaks free from conventional boundaries and celebrates the full splendor of the game. Rooted in our original purpose of ‘Let’s make playing golf easier and more accessible’, our story continues to unfold.

Why the Rabbit?
Back in the day, during the harsh era of the PGA Tour in the United States, only players ranked within the top 60 in the previous year's money rankings were chosen as seed players. In pursuit of one of these coveted slots, players would compete in Monday tournaments, known as Mando tournaments, securing victories to earn their spot. These players, often moving from one tournament to another, came to be known as 'rabbits.'
Inspired by these 'rabbit' players who leaped, undaunted, towards their aspirations, Pearly Gates adopted the rabbit as its character, symbolizing our desire to soar towards hope.